Slave Training: Reading assignments

As a part of My Wholistic Femdom regime, I require all of my pets and slaves to read books and acquire knowledge from different perspectives. This knowledge is to be integrated into the slave’s way of thinking, as the information hopefully provides material for discourse. Critical thinking and self-governance instead of information regurgitation are key.

It is apparent that learning and education should continue throughout life and I believe this is what helps us be better humans to each other. We don’t always learn basic human traits like empathy and compassion, factual history, and most importantly, health and wellness including sex, in formal educational institutions like public school and university. Much of the aforementioned basics are ideally learned at home, but that’s absolutely not the case for most.

Some books I like to assign:

  • The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

  • The Highly Sensitive Person by Elaine Aron

  • Spirit of the Anatomy by Caroline Myss

  • The Power of Now by Eckhardt Tolle

  • Emergent Strategy by Adrien Mariee Brown

Have you read any of these books? How have they affected your outlook on life? Or relationships?